My name is Malcolm Emmanuel Lim. I was born in the year 2005. Mummy gave me a didi in 2007 and his name is Matthan Emmanuel Lim. I love my didi very much. We attend the same school together. It's so much fun. Now that he has grown up quite a bit, we play catching, hide & seek, make building blocks, play tutu train and build sand castle together. Oh.. and we like to fight with and disturb each other. Guess who wins most of the time?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

At VivoCity

Matthan standing on his own with support of the trolley. He is now 8.5 mths old, still weighs 10kg. His top front teeth came out on 12 August. Mummy says that mine only came out when I was 1yr plus.

Mummy seldom allows me to post her picture in our blog coz she has yet to regain back her pre-peggie figure. But somehow this photo makes her look I got her permission to post it here. My mummy always says that she is very fat, but daddy will always tell her she looks okie, just that here abit fat, and there abit fat also, and face very round, and......

Aiyoh ... Didi, can you look at the camera there?? and smile like me....?? this... come cheek to cheek with gor gor and say CHEEEEEEEESE!

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