My name is Malcolm Emmanuel Lim. I was born in the year 2005. Mummy gave me a didi in 2007 and his name is Matthan Emmanuel Lim. I love my didi very much. We attend the same school together. It's so much fun. Now that he has grown up quite a bit, we play catching, hide & seek, make building blocks, play tutu train and build sand castle together. Oh.. and we like to fight with and disturb each other. Guess who wins most of the time?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Matthan's First Word

Mamamama, Papapapa, mum mum mum mum, armm armm armm...... these are what didi has been saying all this while.

But mummy confirmed that his first word is: Mum mum (want to eat). Coz whenever he is hungry or if he sees food, he will says : Mum mum mum mum.

Official 2nd word is: Ah Ma. When mummy asked didi where is ah ma, he will turn his head to look at her and call out: Ah Ma.

3rd word: Ma Ma 4thWord: Pa Pa 5th word: OK

Oh, got 1 more word - Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye

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